No matter how annoying or pompous Ian Malcolm is I'm not afraid to admit he's got a point with his whole chaos theory thing. Admittedly he goes a little far by saying that ALL discovery is "the rape of the natural world" but in the case of cloning dinosaurs I'd say that's biting off a little more than you can chew. Bringing back once extinct colossus's to a time when puny mammals rule does not only seem irresponsible but just plain stupid if you even think of having some plan of controlling them. Chaos theory, according to Malcolm, states that no anomaly can be predicted from the simplest thing as the direction of a water droplet running down your hand to the population growth of a cloned extinct species. In some cases I believe this theory could be proven false in the case of some natural laws such as gravity, but when talking about controlling a race of living things that no one has ever even seen with their own eyes the theory becomes a little less far fetched since life adapts and changes in order to survive, as Malcolm says "life finds a way". So, for all our sakes, I hope no one tries to clone dinosaurs. 'Cept for Triceratops, I don't care if they say they didn't actually exist that was everybody's favorite
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